The South East Tournament Series (SETS) was started in 2024 and spans a wide area that the NAF define as the South East encompassing Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckhinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, London, Kent, Norfolk, Oxfordshire, Sussex, Suffolk and Surrey. The tournament series also includes Hampshire as they were included before the NAF boundaries were drawn. There are a few events on the outskirts of London included, but there is also a unique London series

There is an an active Discord server where you can come and find us. 

Getting your event in the SETS

The South East Series is a Structured  Series. This means that all events that will be included as scoring events in the series are determined prior to the beginning of the series.  Not all event dates will be finalised before the series begins, but the events that will form part of the series (assuming they go ahead) are locked in prior to it beginning.

Any TOs are welcome to put forward events to run as part of the series. There will be a limit of one event per TO except for exceptional circumstances.

For practical purposes, applications to include an event in SETS will close on the 30th of November each year.

On top of the requirements in the rules section of this website, the following rules apply (individual exceptions may be made where appropriate):

Please contact the Tournament Series Organiser (TSO) which is currently Stewbacca to apply to have an event in the series. He can be found on the South East BloodBowl Discord or by email.